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Rattlesnake Club Allocation -Waitlist

Rattlesnake Cabernet Sauvignon is the heart and soul of Barnett Vineyards. While we are very proud of every wine we produce, it is this wine that has burnished our reputation. With a continued pedigree year by year, Rattlesnake Cabernet Sauvignon has become limited to wine society membership. Due to this nature we are currently taking a waitlist for all new Rattlesnake Allocation memberships. Our team will reach out to as soon as we have space to our most prized wine. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call 707-963-7075 or email

Delivery / Pickup Information

Signature is required for delivery


Payment Method

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  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • AmericanExpress
  • Discover

Billing Address


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Create a password so that you can login to view club details. You will also be able to save your information for the checkout process in the future.

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